Cosmetic Design Academy beauty treatment eyebrows

Microblading is a popular cosmetic tattooing technique where pigment is deposited into the upper layers of skin to create an appearance that mimics natural hair. There are two different techniques used in microblade processes: machine-based and manual methods, with each having its own set of benefits depending on your desired outcome!

What is Manual Microblading?

Manual microblading is a more traditional technique that uses a small, handheld tool to create hair-like strokes on the eyebrows. Manual microblading is a cheaper service to offer since it only requires the use of a small handheld tool.

What are the benefits of Microblading?

Microblading is a great way to enhance the shape, change your client’s eyebrows and give them that fuller look. Micro-bladed brows can help cover up any gaps or sparse areas on their own, so there isn’t as much need for filling in those spaces with products – saving time when you’re running low!

It is also a relatively affordable way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence! 

Microblading Course at Cosmetic Design Academy

Microblading is a fantastic technique for creating natural-looking eyebrows. This course focuses on the manual form of microblade art, but students also get an introduction to digital hybrid machine techniques in order to make their skills more versatile! Contact us today if you want to learn how this can change your life, too, by getting certified at the Cosmetic Design Academy!